Museo Salzillo de Murcia
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8th International Museum Day Seminar


  • PLACE: Salzillo Museum, Murcia, Spain
  • DATE OF CELEBRATION: 10-11 May, 2018


Thursday, May 10th, 2018

08h45. Reception

09h00. Opening

  • Javier Celdrán Lorente, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Environment, Autonomous Comunity of the Region of Murcia
  • Antonio Gómez Fayrén, President of the Brotherhood of Jesus.
  • Mª Teresa Marín Torres, Director of Salzillo Museum
  • Concepción de la Peña Velasco, University of Murcia

09h45. Opening conference: Hyperconnected museums: new forms of heritage approach, María Luisa Bellido Gant, University of Granada


11h30. The museums as articulating nodes of tourist itineraries, Mª Ángeles Muñoz Cosme, Researcher

12h00. Pharmacy museums: the union of scientific tools and ornamental elements. Mª Dolores Olmo Fernández Delgado, PhD

12h30. Costume Museums and dresses in the age of Instagram, Arianna Giorgi, PhD in Art History

13h00. From field work to traditional musical background on the Internet, María Luján Ortega, University of Murcia

13h30. From museums of music to musical museums: impossible approaches, Juan Miguel González, University of Murcia

16h00. Approach to copyright in the musealized work of art, Antonio López Jiménez, IES María Cegarra Salcedo

16h30. Renovators of religious sculpture after the Civil War, elements and mass media in the communication era, Antonio Zambudio Moreno, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distnacia (UNED)

17h 00. An example of a hyperconnected museum: Museo Nacional del Romanticismo, Soledad Pérez Mateo, Museo de Arqueología Subacuática, Cartagena


18 h00. An example of the integration of mass visual culture in a contemporary art museum: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS), Juan Francisco Cerón Gómez, University of Murcia

18 h 30. Another form of Musealization: the National Museum of the Theater, Miguel Galindo Abellán, PhD in Hispanic Philology and dramatist

19h 00. Libraries that are Museums, Rafael A. Sánchez Martínez, PhD in Hispanic Philology, IES Sabina Mora


Friday, May 11th 2017

9 h15. Juan María Vázquez, General Secretary of Science and Innovation. Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Spain.

10h30. The naval museums: a sea of ​​pieces, Juan José Sánchez Baena, University of Murcia, Coordinator in Charge of Relations with the Ministry of Defense, Spain.


11h30. Geomatics applied to material heritage, Josefina García León, Polytechnic University of Cartagena

12h15. The tourist-cultural management of the Venetian villas. A reference model applicable to other case studies, David Navarro Moreno, Polytechnic University of Cartagena

13h00. The walk through the silent cities. The conservation of memory and its museum potential, María José Muñoz Mora, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

13h30. Presentation of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, Teresa Allepuz Ros, Europe Direct of the Region of Murcia.



16h00. Work in the world of museums, utopia or reality?, María Isabel Lemos Navarro, Researcher

16h30. Virtualization and 3d digitization of pieces from the Museo Arqueológico de Murcia, Paloma Sánchez Allegue,  Researcher Grant, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

17h00. Hyperconnected  Museums, alternatives for the Ethnographic Museums: proposals to Casa del Labrador of Torre Pacheco, Jorge Martínez Martos, PhD student in Art History

17h30. Publics in the museum and the work of the guide as an intermediary, Pablo R. Pujante Gilabert, Researcher

18h00. The museum through the senses, María Soria Martínez, Researcher

18h45. Round table: Investigate and disseminate of the figure of Francisco Salzillo.

Coordinates: Mª Teresa Marín Torres, Salzillo Museum, director


  • Antonio Botías, journalist
  • Zacarías Cerezo, painter
  • Santiago Delgado, writer

Closing and delivery of diplomas


Salzillo Museum, Murcia, Spain


  • Projects Hispanophilia III and IV. Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
  • Columnar Network Understand the dynamics of the Iberian Worlds. Seneca Foundation. Regional Agency for Science and Technology. Region of Murcia


  • Mª Teresa Marín Torres
  • Concepción de la Peña Velasco


  • Francisca del Baño, Salzillo Museum
  • Antonio Jiménez Micol, Salzillo Museum
  • Paola Riaza Díaz, Salzillo Museum
  • Blanca Rodríguez Hernández, Salzillo Museum
  • Susana Ruiz López, Salzillo Museum


  • Free course
  • Maximum 40 people, by strict order of registration. A certificate of participation will be issued.
  • Registration period: from April 24 to May 3.
  • Duration: 20 hours
  • By email to (name, surname and ID).

For more information: Tel 00 34 968 291893 or

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